When are the scheduled HOA Board Meetings?

2023 Scheduled HOA Board Meetings

Renaud Place Board meetings take place the second Monday of every month.


May 8th, 2023

June 12th, 2023

July 10th, 2023

August 14th, 2023

September 11th, 2023

October 9th, 2023

November 13, 2023

December 10th, 2023


Join Zoom Meeting

+1 346 248 7799

Meeting ID: 859 4141 3502
Passcode: 740430

I forgot my password. Is there a way to retrieve my password information from the site?

Yes. On the Login Screen, there is a link labeled ‘Forgot your Password?’. Click on that. On the next screen, either enter your name as if appears in the profile or enter your email address as it appears in the profile. NOTE: The ‘Forgot my Password’ function will not work unless you have a valid email address listed in your User Profile.

I would rather not login every time I come to the site. Can't I save my password?

Yes you can! Simply check the box labeled ‘Remember Login Info?’ on the login screen, and the web site will store a cookie on your computer. Every time you click Login, the web site will automatically log you in; however, you will still need to enter your login information if you visit the web site on a different computer. NOTE: We highly recommend that you DO NOT save your login information if you are accessing the web site on a public computer.

The web site automatically logs me in every time I click Login. How can I get the login screen back?

You need to discard the login cookie on your machine. To do so, log in and click ‘User Profile’. Check the box labeled ‘Discard Remember Login Info’, and click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the page.

How do I log off the web site?

You can log off by clicking on the Public Home link. This will end your private session. Your login will also time out after 15 minutes of inactivity on the web site.

How can I change the user profile/login so the web site knows I am Resident 2, not Resident 1?

When you first log in, you should see the welcome text at the top of the resident home page. (Welcome Lance, click here if you are Mary). This welcome text indicates which user profile is currently active. To switch profiles, simply click the link next to your name.

There is wildlife coming into my yard. What should I do?

Living in Colorado, especially nearby to open or natural spaces, means learning to live alongside wildlife.  The association cannot help with wildlife issues except to provide the following advice.

Please protect your pets by never leaving cats or small to medium size dogs outdoors unattended, even for a few minutes.  During breeding season or when food is scarce, even larger dogs may be at risk.  Coyotes are common in our neighborhood, as are raccoons, garter and bull snakes, deer, and other animals that typically do not pose a hazard to humans.  If the wildlife in or near your yard poses a safety hazard, please move your family and pets indoors to safety and contact Denver Police Department’s Animal Control Division for assistance.  They will manage the situation and contact the Colorado Department of Wildlife if their help is needed.


How can I get information emailed to me?

Our web site contains a feature called Email Bulletins, which allow us to send periodic emails of interest to community members. By signing up for an Email Bulletin group, you can automatically receive important announcements, news, and information about our community in your email inbox. Email Bulletins let you know what is going on, and give you the option to visit the web site to read more. To sign up for Email Bulletins, click the Email Bulletins menu link and follow the prompts.

I would like to have my information completely removed from the web site, but I still want to get important emails that are sent out to the community. Is that possible?

If you do not wish to have access to the web site, but would still like to take advantage of periodic updates, please contact the web site administrator under the ‘Requests and Questions’ feature, and ask to have your ‘account hide’ parameter changed to allow this. If you prefer to be removed completely from the web site, with no access or emails, you may instead ask for your account to be disabled.